General Information
General information about Cargoboard
- What is Cargoboard and what shipping methods and transport services do we offer?
- Can I change my order after booking?
- Until when do I have to place the order?
- What do I need to know about pallet shipping?
- How can I ship dangerous goods?

Shipping Methods
How can you ship your goods with Cargoboard?
- What is groupage freight and how does the booking work?
- What is LTL/FTL and how does the booking work?
- What is a Direct Load and how does the booking work?

Collection and Delivery
Key information on collections and deliveries for freight forwarding
- What does regular transit time mean?
- How does pallet exchange work?
- Why has my shipment not been collected yet?
- Curbside delivery

Why is transport-safe packaging essential and how do you meet the packaging requirements?
- What are the most important packaging tips?
- How is a bicycle packaged as safely as possible?
- How do I package my goods for pallet shipping?
- Is bubble wrap sufficient for transport-safe packaging?
- Where can I get packaging material?

Insurance and Damages
Everything about our transport insurance and the handling of damages
- Do I need shipping insurance or is forwarder's liability sufficient?
- How can I report transport damage to Cargoboard?
- Are my goods insured?
- What is the status of my claim?
- How do I create a damage invoice?

Customs Clearance
Discover how customs clearance with Cargoboard is both quick and easy
- How does customs clearance work?
- When is customs clearance necessary?
- What documents do I need for customs clearance?
- What is an EORI number?

An overview of all information regarding payments at Cargoboard
- Can I pay by invoice?
- What payment methods do we offer?
- Do I get an invoice after booking?
- Can I enter a separate e-mail address for invoices?
- Can I change my invoice details?