How can I report transport damage to Cargoboard?

Even with the most careful handling, damage can occasionally occur during transport. Here you can find out what the procedure is in such a case.

  1. Who can submit a freight claim to Cargoboard?
  2. How can I report a claim as quickly as possible?
  3. Where do you upload my documents?
  4. What deadlines apply for freight claims?
  5. How long does claims processing take?
  6. Do I need insurance for freight forwarding?
  7. What should be considered when shipping the goods to simplify freight claims?

Transport damage may occur when goods are shipped in groupage freight. Your goods do not remain on the same truck during transport, but are transshipped several times. If damage has occurred to a shipment that was sent via Cargoboard, we are still your single point of contact.

Who can submit a freight claim to Cargoboard?

Due to the existing contractual relationship, only our Customer can report damage to us and claim compensation. If you are the consignee of a shipment from Cargoboard and discover damage, you must contact your contractual partner so that he can make a freight claim with us.

How can I report a claim as quickly as possible?

In order to process a claim as quickly as possible, we ask you to use our claim form in our Solution Center. Here you can enter your e-mail and the corresponding shipment number and select freight claim below. Please also include the amount of damage, the date of damage and the weight of the good damaged as well as a precise description of the damage. Later in the process, we will ask you to upload a damage invoice, commercial invoice and pictures of the damaged goods and packaging.

Note: The procedure for a loss or partial loss of your goods is the same as for normal freight claim.

There is one specific difference with regard to the damage date. Here you must state the date on which the loss of the goods became apparent. There are usually 2 possible dates.

1st date: We will contact you and inform you that your shipment cannot be found at the moment.

2nd date: When the goods are delivered, the consignee notices that parts of the shipment are missing.

Damage amount

The damage amount is the value that you have actually lost due to the damage to your goods. Therefore, the amount cannot be higher than the value of the goods as stated on the commercial invoice (e.g. sales or purchase invoice). When reporting a damage to Cargoboard, you will receive a sample damage invoice from us. This allows you to invoice us for all costs incurred in the first instance. 

Please note that the request for a damage invoice does not represent an acknowledgement of the damage. In this regard, we also refer to the duty to minimise damage (obligation of all parties to keep the damage incurred and its consequences as low as possible).

Damage date

The damage date is the day on which a damage is discovered. Damage is usually noticed by the consignee or already noted by the forwarding agent during transport. If damage is noted during transport, the damage date can be found on the driver's receipt or in the shipment history.

Weight of the good damaged

Enter the weight of the damaged goods in the weight field. If your freight consists of one item or object, enter the total weight here. If the damaged freight can be easily disassembled or if your freight consists of several parts, you must state the weight of the damaged individual parts.

Example: 10 buckets of paint are transported on a pallet. One bucket of paint is damaged during transport so that it leaks. In the freight claim, the weight of the broken bucket in its full condition must now be indicated as the weight.

Where do i upload my documents?

Once you've submitted the claim form through the Solution Center, you'll get an email outlining the next steps in the claims process. 

Within this email, there's a link to our document management system. There, you can see a list of the required documents. Please upload each document in the designated area.

Photos of the packaging and the damaged goods

We ask you to take detailed photos of both the transport packaging and the damaged goods. If available, pictures of the packaged goods before collection will also help us to resolve your case as quickly as possible.

A damage invoice with Cargoboard GmbH & Co. KG as recipient

A damage invoice is basically a normal invoice for the amount of damage you have calculated, but you must take note of a few particularities.

  • It must be clear from the invoice that the invoice was issued due to transport damage.
  • The date of the transport damage must be stated.
  • The corresponding order number must be stated.
  • The invoice must be in net.
  • Cargoboard GmbH & Co. KG. must be formal recipient of the invoice.

You will automatically receive a template for the damage invoice by e-mail when you submit a freight claim.

Alternatively, you can also download the template for the damage invoice here.

How is a proof of the value of the damaged goods provided?

Proof of the value of the damaged goods is provided by a commercial invoice. Therefore, please upload your sales invoice for the shipped goods to your digital claim folder.

Once you have uploaded all the required photos and documents, you will need to confirm your upload via the link in the email from us.

What deadlines apply for freight claims?

Open damage that can be seen from the outside upon delivery must be noted immediately on the driver's delivery receipt. Concealed damage, on the other hand, must be reported to Cargoboard immediately upon discovery of the damage and within seven days of delivery.

Note: After the freight claim has been made, we will check whether damage compensation can be made. This depends on whether the transport was booked with or without additional shipping insurance. In order for damage from non-insured transports, which are only covered by the forwarder's liability, to be successfully settled, the damage must be detected directly upon delivery and noted by the driver on the forwarder's receipt. You can find more information by clicking here: Do I need shipping insurance or is forwarder's liability sufficient?

How long does claims processing take?

Unfortunately, the duration of claims processing cannot be generalised and depends on the complexity of the case. However, shipping insurance speeds up and simplifies this process considerably.

We know that this answer is often not satisfying for you as a customer. We are working together with our partners and the insurance company to make the claims settlement process faster and better.

Do I need insurance for freight forwarding?

There is no standard insurance in forwarder shipping. An additional shipping insurance can be added when booking the order and simplifies the handling of possible damages in particular. By default, Cargoboard is liable according to the "German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions" (ADSp 2017).

>>Do I need shipping insurance or is forwarder's liability sufficient?<<

What should be considered when shipping the goods to simplify freight claims?

When shipping, important precautions can be taken to avoid damage. Take photos of the packaged goods before shipping so that it can be verified that the goods were securely packaged. To best protect yourself, ad shipping insurance when you book your order. Make sure your customer knows to check the goods for damage upon receipt. If damage is found, it must be noted in writing on the driver's delivery receipt.