How do I create a damage invoice?

In order for us at Cargoboard to be able to settle your transport damage, we need a damage invoice from you for the actual damage incurred.

A damage invoice is basically a normal invoice for the amount of damage you have calculated, but you must take note of a few particularities.

  • It must be clear from the invoice that the invoice was issued due to transport damage.
  • The date of the transport damage must be stated.
  • The corresponding shipment number must be stated.
  • The invoice must be in net.
  • Cargoboard GmbH & Co. KG. must be formal recipient of the invoice.

You will automatically receive a template for the damage invoice by e-mail when you submit a freight claim.

Alternatively, you can also download the template for the damage invoice here.

What is the amount of damage?

The damage amount is the value that you have actually lost due to the damage to your goods. Therefore, the amount cannot be higher than the value of the goods as stated on the commercial invoice (e.g. sales or purchase invoice). When reporting a damage to Cargoboard, you will receive a sample damage invoice from us. This allows you to invoice us for all costs incurred in the first instance. 

Please note that the request for a damage invoice does not represent an acknowledgement of the damage. In this regard, we also refer to the duty to minimise damage (obligation of all parties to keep the damage incurred and its consequences as low as possible).

How is a proof of the value of the damaged goods provided?

Proof of the value of the damaged goods is provided by a commercial invoice. Therefore, please upload your sales invoice for the shipped goods to your digital claim folder.

Once you have uploaded all the required photos and documents, you will need to confirm your upload via the link in the email from us.

What is the date of damage?

The damage date is the day on which a damage is discovered. Damage is usually noticed by the consignee or already noted by the forwarding agent during transport. If damage is noted during transport, the damage date can be found on the driver's receipt or in the shipment history.

Weight of the good damaged

Enter the weight of the damaged goods in the weight field. If your freight consists of one item or object, enter the total weight here. If the damaged freight can be easily disassembled or if your freight consists of several parts, you must state the weight of the damaged individual parts.

Example: 10 buckets of paint are transported on a pallet. One bucket of paint is damaged during transport so that it leaks. In the freight claim, the weight of the broken bucket in its full condition must now be indicated as the weight.

You can find out how to report transport damage to us by clicking here.