Delivery usually starts early in the morning and can take until the early afternoon depending on the route and traffic situation.
Standard transit time
At Cargoboard, we specify a standard transit time that reflects the average transit time for similar shipments in the same region. Over 90% of all shipments are delivered within the standard time.
Please note, however, that these times cannot be guaranteed and delays may occur due to high shipment volumes or unforeseen events such as traffic obstructions.
We have compiled an overview of the standard delivery times in Europe for you here:

In case of problems
If the standard transit time has already been exceeded or a problem is displayed in the shipment tracking, please contact us. We will then do our best to inform you as quickly as possible about the problems with your shipment.
Deliveries with an appointment
If an appointment has been booked for your delivery, a fixed delivery date will be agreed with you before the goods are delivered. Check your shipment tracking to see whether such an agreement exists for your shipment - indicated by the additional option ‘Making an appointment (delivery)’.
Important: Our team will proactively contact you to determine the delivery date. The appointment will only be organised once the goods have arrived at the delivery warehouse. It is therefore not necessary for you to contact us to arrange the delivery date.
Additional driver notification option
If driver notification has been booked, our driver will inform you by telephone about half an hour before arrival of the imminent delivery.
Shipment tracking - the fastest way to find out information
The easiest way to find out the delivery status of your shipment is to use our shipment tracking. Enter your consignment number and the recipient's postcode to receive up-to-date information on the location of your goods.
Go to shipment tracking.
Tip: If you do not yet have a consignment number, please ask the person who ordered your consignment (in most cases your seller). They can provide you with the shipment number. Alternatively, they can send you a direct link to track your shipment.
Any Questions?
Should there be any issues with your shipment, it's particularly important to us that you can contact us at any time.
You can reach us via Chat or WhatsApp, by email at or by phone at +49 5251 5329 120.