How does the e-Transport system work for transports to and from Romania?

From 1. July 2024, goods transported on Romanian territory must be reported in the RO e-Transport system. The reporting obligation applies from 500 kg or 2,000 euros. The Romanian side is always responsible, whether as consignee or consignor.

Why is transport in Romania becoming more complicated?

The introduction of the RO E-Transport system by the Romanian government mandates the reporting of all goods that exceed certain thresholds while transported within Romanian borders. This regulation, effective since December 15, 2023, will subject violators to penalties up to 20,000 euros from July 1, 2024 onward.

Note: The transport of goods to private individuals is currently not possible from Romania to abroad or from abroad to Romania.

Thresholds for the reporting obligation

  1. Weight threshold: Goods weighing 500 kg or more

    Goods with a total weight of more than 500 kg must be reported in the RO e-Transport system.
  2. Value threshold: Goods valued at 10,000 RON (approximately 2,000 euros)

    Goods with a total value of more than RON 10,000/ EUR 2000 must also be reported in the RO e-Transport system.

Note: Unlike previous regulations, the reporting obligation now extends to all goods, not just specific categories.

Procedure for registering a transport with the RO e-Transport system

For non-romanian shippers:

  1. Book Your Transport: Utilize our Cargobord platform to schedule your transport.
  2. Receive Essential Information: After booking, we will provide you with all the necessary details, which include the license plate number of the transport vehicle and the estimated time of the border crossing.
  3. Share Information with Your Recipient: Pass on this information, along with your own details, to your recipient in Romania.
  4. Recipient Generates a UIT Number: The recipient in Romania will use the provided information to generate a UIT number.
  5. UIT Number Communication: The recipient must send the UIT number back to you, which you should then forward to us via email.

As a romanian shipper:

  1. Book Your Transport: As with non-Romanian shippers, start by booking your transport through our Cargobord platform.
  2. Receive and Enter Details: After booking, you will receive all the necessary information which you must enter into the RO E-Transport system or upload as an XML file. This includes the licence plate number of the transport vehicle and the estimated time of the border crossing.
  3. Obtain and Send UIT Number: Once you receive a UIT number, you should email it back to us.

Who has to register the transport with the RO e-Transport system?

Typically, the Romanian party is responsible for registration:

  1. The consignee, named in the declaration for import duty, or the consignor, named in the declaration for export duty, if the transported goods, are part of an import or export operation.
  2. The romanian consignee for goods purchased within the EU.
  3. The romanian consignor for goods delivered to an EU country.
  4. The warehouse owner if goods are unloaded or reloaded in Romania, for storage or to assemble a new shipment.

Attention: The UIT code is valid for 15 days for intra-EU transport, starting from the first day of transport. It must be requested at least three days before transport begins.

What transport data must be passed on to the RO e-Transport system?

Transport details can be entered directly into the RO E-Transport application, where every Romanian businessperson is required to register. The required information is listed below.

Alternatively, data can also be uploaded via an XML file. Proper formatting and data entry for the XML file are essential for system registration.

Note: Post-booking, you will receive an email containing all necessary transport information.

Important transport details

Sender Information (Informationen des Absenders / Informații despre expeditor):

  • Name (Name / Nume)
  • Address (Adresse / Adresă)
  • Tax Identification Number (Steueridentifikationsnummer / Cod de identificare fiscală, CUI/NIF)

Recipient Information (Informationen des Empfängers / Informații despre destinatar):

  • Name (Name / Nume)
  • Address (Adresse / Adresă)
  • Tax Identification Number (Steueridentifikationsnummer / Cod de identificare fiscală, CUI/NIF)

Goods Information (Wareninformation / Informații despre mărfuri):

  • Description (Warenbeschreibung / Descrierea mărfurilor)
  • CN Code (CN-Code / Cod CN)
  • Quantity (Menge / Cantitate)
  • Weight (Gewicht / Greutate)
  • Value (Wert / Valoare)

Transport Information (Transportinformationen / Informații despre transport):

  • Vehicle Number (Fahrzeugkennzeichen / Numărul vehiculului)
  • Freight forwarder (Spediteur / Transportator)
  • Freight forwarder adress (Adresse Spediteur / Adresa transportatorului)
  • Tax Identification Number (Steueridentifikationsnummer / Cod de identificare fiscală, CUI/NIF)

Time and Place Information (Zeit- und Ortsinformationen / Informații despre timp și loc):

  • Expected time of border crossing (Erwarteter Zeitpunkt des Grenzübertritts / Timpul estimat de trecere a frontierei)
  • Border crossing point (Grenzstelle / Punct de trecere a frontierei)
  • Departure Date and Time (Abfahrtsdatum und -zeit / Data și ora plecării)
  • Departure Place (Abfahrtsort / Locul plecării)
  • Arrival Date and Time (Ankunftsdatum und -zeit / Data și ora sosirii)
  • Arrival Place (Ankunftsort / Locul sosirii)

Any questions?

If there are any problems with your collection, it is particularly important to us that you can contact us at any time.

You can reach us via Chat or WhatsApp, by email at or by phone on +49 5251 5329 120.